OCR for FireMonkey

Optical Character Recognition component for FireMonkey

OCR for FireMonkey
OCR for FireMonkey demo
Use this OCR component to extract text from images, such as scanned paper documents or other image-based files.
  • powered by the Tesseract OCR engine and the Leptonica image processing library
  • compatible with Delphi/C++Builder versions XE2 to 12
  • supports Windows, macOS, Linux, iOS, and Android
  • includes source code with the registered version
  • offers royalty-free distribution for your applications

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How can I resolve the "Cannot initialize Tesseract library" error?
Set the FOcr.DataPath property to the folder containing the Tesseract language data files.

How can I increase OCR speed?
Use Tesseract language data from the tessdata_fast repository.

How can I improve OCR accuracy?
Use Tesseract language data from the tessdata_best repository.

How can I enhance OCR output quality?
Refer to the Tesseract documentation on Improving the quality of the output.

What files should be deployed to the Android device?
To ensure proper deployment, add the following files in the Delphi Deployment window:
Local Name Platforms Remote Path
libocr.so [Android] library\lib\armeabi-v7a\
libocr.so [Android64] library\lib\arm64-v8a\
all files from tessdata folder [Android, Android64] assets\internal\tessdata\

How can I resolve "[DCC Error] E2597: ld: file not found: ocr.a"?
To fix this issue, update the "Search path" in the Delphi "Project Options" dialog to point to the ocr.a file based on your selected target:
iOS Device: C:\Program Files (x86)\Winsoft\Optical Character Recognition for FireMonkey\Library\iOSDevice64
iOS Simulator: C:\Program Files (x86)\Winsoft\Optical Character Recognition for FireMonkey\Library\iOSSimulator64

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