WebView for FireMonkey

WebView for FireMonkey

Delphi and C++Builder component for hosting web content.
  • utilizes Microsoft WebView2 API
  • requires WebView2 Runtime version 134.0.3124.44 or newer
  • supports Delphi/C++Builder 10 - 12
  • source code included in the registered version
  • royalty-free distribution in applications

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What version of Edge (Chromium) browser is required?
WebView2 Runtime has to be installed. WebView2 API can't use Edge browser: path containing \Edge\Application\ is explicitly tested and disallowed.
WebView2 Runtime is deployed with many applications, including Microsoft Office, and it's included in Windows 11 machines.

How can I update the WebWiew2 Runtime version to the latest version?
1. Set the SystemComponent value to 0 at the registry key: "HKLM\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Microsoft Edge Update"
2. Go to Windows Settings > Apps > Microsoft Edge WebView2 Runtime and click Modify

How can I allow OnWebResourceRequested events?
Set a URI filter:
How can I set a custom response?
procedure TFormMain.FWebViewWebResourceRequested(Sender: TObject; Resource: TWebResource; Source: TWebSource;
  const Request: IWebResourceRequest; var Response: IWebResourceResponse; GetDeferral: TGetWebResourceRequestedDeferral);
  Response := FWebView.CreateResponse(TEncoding.UTF8.GetBytes('Hello!'));
How can I use a deferred event handler?
procedure TFormMain.FWebViewWebResourceRequested(Sender: TObject; Resource: TWebResource; Source: TWebSource;
  const Request: IWebResourceRequest; var Response: IWebResourceResponse; GetDeferral: TGetWebResourceRequestedDeferral);
  // non-deferred code

  const Deferral = GetDeferral; // request deferral
      // deferred code

      Deferral.Complete; // complete deferral
What format is accepted in the Language property?
The format is language[-country] where language is the 2-letter code from ISO 639 and country is the 2-letter code from ISO 3166. Examples: SK, SK-SK, EN-SK, EN-US.

Why is the Active property False after setting it to True?
Active property is updated asynchronously. Use the OnActive event to detect when the Active value is changed.

How can I convert a web page to PDF format?
How can I log in to Google account?
Set the user agent in OnActive event handler to some non-default value:
procedure TFormMain.FWebViewActive(Sender: TObject);
  FWebView.UserAgent := 'Embedded browser';
How can I navigate using a custom request?
procedure TFormMain.FWebViewActive(Sender: TObject);
How can I retrieve files sent to DOM using PostJsonWebMessage method?
Use the additionalObjects property of the event:
// Delphi
const FileHandle = FWebView.CreateFileHandle('c:\test.txt');
const DirectoryHandle = FWebView.CreateDirectoryHandle('c:\');
FWebView.PostJsonWebMessage('"test message"', [FileHandle, DirectoryHandle]);

// JavaScript
  function (event) {
    var fileSystemHandle0 = event.additionalObjects[0]; // FileSystemHandle
    var fileSystemHandle1 = event.additionalObjects[1]; // FileSystemHandle
How can I set focus to WebView?

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