XML library
- uses standard Windows XmlLite API
- supports Windows 32 and Windows 64
- available for Delphi/C++Builder 7 - 12 and Lazarus 2.2.6
- source code included in registered version
- royalty free distribution in applications
// create XML document with TXmlWriter.Create('document.xml') do try Indent := True; StartDocument; StartElement('element1'); Comment('comment'); StartElement('element2'); Attribute('attribute1', 'value1'); Attribute('attribute2', 'value2'); Text('Hello, world!'); EndElement; StartElement('element3'); CData('data'); EndElement; EndElement; EndDocument; finally Free; end; // parse XML document var Text: string; I: Integer; with TXmlReader.Create('document.xml') do try while Read do begin Text := IntToStr(Line) + ',' + IntToStr(Position) + ': ' + NodeToString(Node); case Node of xnElement: begin Text := Text + ': ' + Name; Element; FirstAttribute; for I := 1 to AttributeCount do begin Text := Text + ' ' + Name + '=' + Value; NextAttribute; end; end; xnText: Text := Text + ': ' + Value; xnCData: Text := Text + ': ' + Value; xnComment: Text := Text + ': ' + Value; xnWhitespace: Text := Text + ': "' + Value + '"'; xnEndElement: Text := Text + ': ' + Name; xnXmlDeclaration: Text := Text + ': ' + Name; end; ShowMessage(Text); end finally Free; end;
Download and order
Order XML library $120 USD (license for one developer)
Order XML multi-license $360 USD (license for all developers in company)
Order XML year upgrades $60 USD (registered users only)
Order XML year upgrades multi-license $180 USD (registered multi-license users only)