Enables Delphi applications to use Windows Runtime and UWP controls.
- uses Windows Runtime API and XAML Islands
- supports Windows 32 and 64-bit applications
- available for Delphi 7 - 12
- requires Windows 10 or higher
- source code included in registered version
- royalty free distribution in applications
Download and order
Order WinRT license $150 USD (license for one developer)
Order WinRT multi-license $450 USD (license for all developers in the company)
Order WinRT year upgrades $75 USD (registered users only)
Order WinRT year upgrades multi-license 225 USD (registered multi-license users only)
How can I use MediaElement?
<MediaElement xmlns="" Source="" AreTransportControlsEnabled="True"/>How can I use ColorPicker?
<ColorPicker xmlns=""/>How can I display Toast Notification?
var AppId: HSTRING; ToastNotifier: UI_Notifications_ToastNotifier; XmlDocument: Data_Xml_Dom_XmlDocument; ToastNotification: UI_Notifications_IToastNotification; begin AppId := ToHSTRING('My Application'); try ToastNotifier := TUI_Notifications_ToastNotificationManager.IToastNotificationManagerStatics.CreateToastNotifier(AppId); finally WindowsDeleteString(AppId); end; XmlDocument := TUI_Notifications_ToastNotificationManager.IToastNotificationManagerStatics.GetTemplateContent( UI_Notifications_ToastTemplateType_ToastText01); ToastNotification := (GetActivationFactory(SUI_Notifications_ToastNotification, UI_Notifications_IToastNotificationFactory) as UI_Notifications_IToastNotificationFactory).CreateToastNotification(XmlDocument); ToastNotifier.Show(ToastNotification); end;