Excel Component Suite

Application Workbook Worksheet Chart Range
Delphi and C++Builder components for automating Microsoft Excel.
Excel Component Suite is part of Office Component Suite
  • supports Microsoft Excel 2010 - 2019
  • provides direct access to Excel objects
  • available for Delphi/C++Builder 5 - 12 and Lazarus 2.2.6
  • source code included in registered version
  • distributing components in applications is royalty free

Download and order

Order Excel Component Suite $100 USD (license for one developer)
Order Excel Component Suite multi-license $300 USD (license for all developers in the company)
Order Excel Component Suite year upgrades $50 USD (registered users only)
Order Excel Component Suite year upgrades multi-license $150 USD (registered multi-license users only)


How can I solve "Class not registered" error?
Check whether Microsoft Excel is installed and try to reinstall it.

How can I export XLS file to PDF?
ExcelWorkbook.Active := True;
ExcelWorkbook.ExcelWorkbook.ExportAsFixedFormat(xlTypePDF, 'filename.pdf',
  EmptyParam, EmptyParam, EmptyParam, EmptyParam, EmptyParam, EmptyParam, EmptyParam);

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