Delphi and C++Builder comma-separated values (CSV) library
Read and modify existing CSV files:
with TCsv.Create do try LoadAnsiFile('C:\data.csv'); ShowMessage(ToString); if (LineCount > 1) and (FieldCount[1] > 2) then Fields[1, 2] := 'New value'; ShowMessage(ToString); finally Free; end;
Create new CSV files:
with TCsv.Create do try LineCount := 10; for I := 0 to LineCount - 1 do begin FieldCount[I] := 3; for J := 0 to FieldCount[I] - 1 do Fields[I, J] := 'Field ' + IntToStr(I) + ' ' + IntToStr(J); end; ToUtf8File('C:\new.csv'); finally Free; end;
Use fast TCsvWriter to create CSV file without in-memory overhead of TCsv class:
with TCsvWriter.Create('export.csv') do try Write('Field 1 1'); Write('Field 1 2'); Write('Field 1 3'); NextLine; Write('Field 2 1'); Write('Field 2 2'); Write('Field 2 3'); NextLine; Write('Field 3 1'); Write('Field 3 2'); Write('Field 3 3'); finally Free; end;
- optimized for large data
- selectable field separator
- selectable CR/LF/CRLF output
- selectable enclosing character
- optional white space enclosing
- optimized output, enclosing emitted "as needed"
- WideString or Unicode fields
- UTF8 and Ansi files supported
- UTF8, AnsiString and WideString/UnicodeString data supported
- lines with variable number of fields supported
- insertion and deletion of lines and fields supported
- supports Windows, macOS, iOS, Android and Linux
- available for Delphi/C++Builder 6 - 12 and Lazarus 3.0
- source code included in registered version
- royalty free distribution in applications
Download and order
Order CSV library $60 USD (license for one developer)
Order CSV multi-license $180 USD (license for all developers in company)
Order CSV year upgrades $30 USD (registered users only)
Order CSV year upgrades multi-license $90 USD (registered multi-license users only)