Burn CD/DVD/Blu-ray Component Suite

Delphi and C++Builder components for preparing and burning images to CD, DVD, and Blu-ray optical storage media.
- uses standard Windows Image Mastering API 2
- available for Delphi/C++Builder 5 - 12 and Lazarus 2.2.6
- source code included in registered version
- royalty free distribution
Image Mastering API 2 is supported natively starting with Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008. Enabling IMAPI 2.0
functionality for Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 requires the installation of the update package.
Windows Feature Pack For Storage 1.0 allows
IMAPI 2.0 to support Recordable Blu-ray Disc (BD-R) and Rewritable Blu-ray Disc (BD-RE) media. Windows Feature Pack
for Storage is available for Windows XP or later and is integrated into Windows 7.
Administrator rights or providing user permissions for media burning devices may be required for using CD/DVD/Blu-ray recorder.
Download and order
Order Burn Component Suite $120 USD (license for one developer)
Order Burn Component Suite multi-license $360 USD (license for all developers in company)
Order Burn Component Suite year upgrades $60 USD (registered users only)
Order Burn Component Suite year upgrades mutilicense $180 USD (registered multi-license users only)